
有兴趣的参赛者请使用,官方网站邮件地址: wsf08s-1@kakizakai.com 

S-1 世界青年尺八大赛

四年一次的国际性尺八大赛将在今年(2008)于澳洲雪梨第一次举办. 对日本的年轻演奏家而言,尺八比赛并不陌生,以往日本国内一年至少会有两场大型的尺八比赛,但因无法国际化,总是对其他国家的尺八爱好者有一些遗憾,毕竟国际上还存有许多优秀的演奏家,或尺八狂热份子.而且清一色的日本裁判,对其他国家的参赛者多少构成一些压力.

这次的大赛,对台湾国内年轻的尺八爱好者而言,这是一次很值得参加的赛事. 对提升国内尺八的曝光度也有一定程度的帮助.

初赛报名费全免,没有繁複的报名表格要填写,手续简便,如果入围,複赛享有报名费NTD14,600.全免,加上机票补助NTD14,600. 奖金另计.

其它资讯可参考 2008澳洲雪梨 国际尺八音乐节

官方网站公告 http://www.worldshakuhachifestival08.com/grandprix_rules.html


2008澳洲雪梨  国际尺八音乐节主办国 Dr.Riley Lee 已经公佈这次比赛的相关规则.

比赛名称: S-1大赏 -- 世界青年尺八大赛

主办单位: 2008澳洲雪梨  国际尺八音乐节筹备处

报名截止日期: 2008年 2月 29 日

年龄资格: 40岁以下.( 到2008年6月30以前,实岁未满40 )

报名方式: 自行以MP3档案方式录下自选参赛曲目,不限曲风,以E-MAIL寄筹备处. E-MAIL : at wsf08s-1@kakizakai.com   或wsf08s1@gmail.com

E-MAIL主旨栏位需注明: S-1 World Grand Prix preliminary

E-MAIL 内文需注明: 姓名,地址,国家,吹奏曲目.请使用英文或日文.



最后经过评选入围的参赛者, 将在  "2008澳洲雪梨--国际尺八音乐节"进行决赛.

比赛曲目: 与参加斟选初试必须相同,除了自己的创作曲外,任何曲目都可以.以独奏曲为主.与古筝,琵琶,三味线合奏曲将不被接受.

演奏时间: 初试4分钟以内MP3录音,决赛6分钟以内现场吹奏. 可依曲目长短自行删剪,以符合比赛要求.

比赛评审:  (初赛,决赛评审可能不同)

Christopher Yohmei Blasdel(遥盟), -山口五郎学生(竹盟社)

Teruo Furuya (古屋 辉夫) - 横山胜也学生

Yoshio Kurahashi(仓桥 义雄), - 横山胜也学生,父亲仓桥容堂.

Dr. Riley Lee, - 酒井竹保,横山胜也学生,竹保流大师范.

Hozan Nomura(野村峰山), 山本邦山学生

Veronique Piron, (法国) (连结2) 岩本由和,古屋辉夫,横山胜也学生

Ralph Samuelson,   五世荒木古童,山口五郎学生

Ronnie Seldin, 仓桥义雄的父亲,仓桥容堂学生,二世青木铃慕的学生

David Wheeler. 三世川瀬顺辅学生.


初选结果:  2008年3月15日在 2008澳洲雪梨  国际尺八音乐节 官方网站公告.


日本  5人

美国  3人

澳洲  2人

其他地区  2人 (欧,亚,非...等地区)

合计: 12人

通过初选会获得大会免费参加国际尺八音乐节,等值 AU $ 500元,(约台币14,600.) 币值换算 

澳洲以外,其馀10位入选者会另外获得大会颁发的AU$500现金的参赛补助. (约台币14,600.) 币值换算   

决赛第一名:  AU$ 1,200. (台币34,000.)

决赛第二名:  AU$ 1,000. (台币28,500)

决赛第三名:  AU$    800.(台币23,000.)

以冠军为例,可取得约NTD 63,200.的奖金.

特殊投票系统:  透过ON-LINE付款方式,支付澳币20元,任何人都可以取得所有参赛者的MP3录音,然后到大会网站投票.可複数投票,这部份将佔初选总成绩的20%.

2008年2月29日前,任何人都可登记为 "公众评选员".取得你的评选资格.


Dr. Riley Lee 说, 每一位40岁以下的人都应该踊跃参加,对你(你)个人而言,完全没损失. 但参加比赛,可能因而改变你(你)往后的人生.


官方网站邮件地址: wsf08s-1@kakizakai.com 





As promised, World Shakuhachi Festival 2008 Director Dr. Riley Lee has released the rules for the "S-1 World Grand Prix; The Young Player’s Competition for Shakuhachi at WSF08". Drum roll please.......

"S-1 World Grand Prix; The Young Player’s Competition for Shakuhachi at WSF08

Entry Deadline: 29 February 2008

Application Requirements: aged 39 years or less on 30 June 2008. You are ineligible if your 40th birthday was/is before or on 30 June 2008.

Application Process: Record your own performance, convert the recording to an mp3 file and email the file to the Competition Supervisor at wsf08s1@gmail.com.

The subject of the email should be “S-1 World Grand Prix preliminary”.

In the body of the email, include your name, address (including country) and the name of the piece. Please use either English or Japanese.

The Competition Supervisor will immediately send a confirmation email after receiving your entry. If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours, please check to see if your email and mp3 attachment went through successfully.

Contest Entry Fee: none

Final Selection: Entrants who are chosen in the preliminary round will compete in the final round during WSF2008, by performing in the Finalists Concert in Sydney.

Choice of Piece: You can perform any shakuhachi solo, regardless of genre. One’s own compositions however, are not acceptable. (The piece submitted in the initial application must be the same piece performed during the Finalists Concert.)

Time Limit: 4 minutes or less for the preliminary round (an abridged version of the piece is acceptable). 6 minutes or less for the final round

Judges: Christopher Yohmei Blasdel, Teruo Furuya, Yoshio Kurahashi, Riley Lee, Hozan Nomura, Veronique Piron, Ralph Samuelson, Ronnie Seldin, David Wheeler. Judges for the preliminary round and the final round may differ.

Notification of Results of Preliminary Round: 15 March 2008 on WSF08 website

Prize Money: The following number of finalists will be chosen from these countries:
Japan – 5; The Americas – 3; Australia – 2 ;Rest of the World (Europe, Asia, Africa, etc) – 2.  Total finalists: 12

Finalists of the preliminary round will receive free registration for WSF08 ($500).

The ten finalists outside of Australia will receive an additional $500 in cash assistance towards their Sydney airfare.

The top three contestants will be chosen at the Finalist Concert and awarded the following prize money: 1st  $1200, 2nd $1000, 3rd $800. All prize money is in Australian dollars.

Jury System: Anyone can apply to be ‘public’ judge for the preliminary round. By paying a participation fee of AUS$20, one will receive the original recordings from all of the preliminary round contestants, after the closing date, and can vote for one or more of the contestants, to a value of 2 points. The total points voted in this manner will make up a maximum of 20% of the final decision for the preliminary round.

Deadline for applying to be a ‘public’ judge is 29 February 2008.

If you are interested in becoming a ‘public’ judge, keep checking the registration page on WSF08 website. Eventually (before February 2008!) you will be able to apply and pay on-line to become a ‘public’ judge.

You do not have to attend WSF08 to become a ‘public’ judge.

The ‘public’ jury system will not apply in the final round of the Competition."

Dr. Riley Lee

This is a great opportunity and I recommend everybody who is eligible and who has any aspiration to be a shakuhachi performer to work up a piece and enter. Please do not speculate about what the judges are looking for or about your personal musical shortcomings. Just go for it! You have nothing to lose, the worse thing that happens is you practice a lot and learn a piece. Even if you don't win it might lead to other things. So be positive. Let's show the Festival what kind of enthusiasm there is for shakuhachi. It's an excellent panel of judges with no particular bias.



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