尺八制管师-Tom Deaver

Tom Deaver的工作室

Copyright  kyorei's photostream

美国籍制管师Tom Deaver对大多数吹尺八的朋友比较陌生,对欧美尺八学生而言,Tom Deaver拥的尺八具有相当的知名度,也有相当多的使用者,特别对近几年来,学习海童道祖曲目的人,则一点也不陌生.

Tom Deaver 在20几岁到达日本,很快的便被尺八乐器吸引,也开始学习尺八,并於1969~1975年间,成为日本已故著名制管师玉井竹仙(Chikusen Tamai)的入室学生之一,并於1975下半年成立了自己的尺八工坊,至今已近34年了,时间可谓相当长久.


在学习制管的同时,Tom Deaver也向都山流二世星田一山学习尺八,并於1973年取得准师范资格,因对本曲的浓厚兴趣,又在取得二世星田一山同意下,改向创立於西元 1917 年,当时竹保流宗家的二世酒井竹保(1933~1992)学习竹保流本曲曲目,4年后,1977年3月取得竹保流师范资格.

比较特别的是Tom Deaver在1976年5月也在二世星田一山老师的同意下,同时向琴古流的 Nakagawa Ginrei 学习琴古流古典本曲. 在看过的尺八制管师或演奏家履历当中,横跨主要三大主要尺八门派的例子并不多见.这种学习方式,到底是因為喜欢不同门派曲目,或是不同流派尺八制管上的考量,要问过本人才会知道.

1977年6月,他在美国科罗拉多州的阿斯彭 Aspen 开设了尺八学校(名称:Ichiyo School of Shakuhachi ),除了尺八制管,推广尺八与教授尺八,并连续三年夏天(1977~1979)举办了尺八学习夏令营的活动,近几年来,在美国科罗拉多州的丹佛市,每一年都还是会有很盛大的尺八夏令营的课程举办,而且规模相当大,总会吸引来自全美国各地的尺八学习者,每一年也都会安排著名的日本尺八老师担任讲师,我想,这些活动,多少受到Tom Deaver在1977~1979年尺八夏令营的影响,在美国,冷门如尺八这种乐器,要开花结果著实不易.

或许因为尺八在美国推广确实不易,Tom Deaver在1979年决定搬到日本,最后决定与其 日本妻子及4个小孩落脚在日本中部地方的长野县北安县郡人口只有一万人左右的松川村,据续专业尺八製制管工作至今.

在日本期间,试吹过几支Tom Deaver的尺八,性能相当好,价格大概在日币200,000.到日币600,000.之间.Tom Deaver的尺八这几年也受到横山胜也学生的喜爱,因曲目中对几个特殊音色的要求,如果没真正学过海童道曲目,确实很难将横山胜也对尺八音色的要求,调整到让人放心满意的程度,Tom Deaver也在后来向横山胜也学习尺八.

 Tom Deaver 现在用的尺八落印

  Tom Deaver 以前使用的旧款落印


Copyright  http://www.chikuzenstudios.com/photogalleries/FlutesForSale/F1.htm



Copyright  http://www.flickr.com/photos/kyorei/


Homepage: http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~shaku100/

Tom Deaver went to Japan in his mid-twenties and fell completely under the spell of the shakuhachi. He stayed on to become a live-in apprentice to one of Japan's most famous and respected master Shakuhachi craftsmen, Tamai Chikusen, from 1969 until 1975. In late 1975 he founded his own craft shop with the hearty good wishes and support of his teacher.

During his apprenticeship Tom also studied Shakuhachi playing under Hoshida Ichizan, a very senior teacher in the Tozan Sect of shakuhachi. At the end of 1973 he received the Jun Shi Han License. The licensing examination involved music composition, chanting of musical scores, playing in three different styles and writing notation as scores were played by examiners. Subsequently he received permission from Hoshida Ichizan to study the Koten Honkyoku under Sakai Chikuho, head of Chikuho Sect Shakuhachi. In May 1976, he further received permission from Hoshida Sensei to undertake study of the Kinko Sect Shakuhachi Honkyoku from Nakagawa Ginrei.

In March, 1977, received the Shi Han teaching credential from Sakai Chikuho. The following July he opened the Ichiyo School of Shakuhachi in Aspen, Colorado, at the Aspen Academy, where he taught shakuhachi playing each summer for three consecutive years. In late 1979, he moved his craft shop and family to the central valley of Japan, finally putting down roots high in the Japan Southern Alps. It is there where he continues his craft of fashioning bamboo into shakuhachi which are much in demand throughout Japan and the rest of the world.


科罗拉多州在美国的位置 美国科罗拉多州






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